S T R A N G E R THINGS!!!! I think it's pretty well-known now of how great of a show “Stranger Things” has turned out to be, with all of the positive reviews and praises. I'm sure we all know one person who's told you it’s a must see. And it's hard to disagree with the supporters. I loved so much about the show, from the amazing throwback movie references to the badass musical scores starting with the intro. Everything seemed so fitting for this throwback mystery/adventure series, that I felt inspired to create some illustrated fun. What stuck with me throughout the series was the idea of what it's like to go on a adventure and discover something new. Thinking back on my childhood, the most important things to me were action figures. I loved the Batman and Power Rangers figures and was particularly stoked over what the figures always came with- Batman’s batmobile and batarang and the Power Ranger guns or swords. Every adventure with the action figures was made all the more better by these accessories. Now that I've replaced action figures with design, I've found new ways to reflect on my childhood with relevant things in my life now. Thus I'm always trying to find new and fun things to illustrate during my spare time, most in which are strange and odd but in certain ways help me understand my design aesthetics and appeal for shapes, lines and colors. I recently began shuffling around this idea of creating the “Stranger Things” characters into action figures. I thought this would be the prefect opportunity to create something that I would of been stoked to have had as a child. And I had so much fun during this process and you better believe I added in some accessories! This piece took about 12 hours across three days. I hope to continue to the the other characters but.... we'll see. For the meantime, I present a new illustrated piece inspired by “Stranger Things” entitled: Stranger Toys.